On the Edge of Something Great?

I find myself in the most peculiar of positions.  For the first time in my adult life, I am without a job.  I won’t go into how the last one ended; we will just say that it wasn’t of my choosing, and I felt I was doing the best I could do.  All that aside, I am indeed staring at something quite unknown to me.  I immediately started writing, which is something I have always enjoyed, but I’m not real sure I want to make that my full time job.  I spend a lot of time online writing articles for websites, but the articles are mostly meaningless dribble.  I know without a doubt I do not want to go back into the field that I just got out of (retail management), even though I am good at it and could probably have a job tomorrow.  I just do not know what I want to do with the rest of my life.  I can only seem to come up with what I don’t want to do.

And then there is all this time….

I use to say that time was the one thing I was lacking, but now I have an abundance of it and don’t know what to do with it.  The possibilities are endless.  I could finish decorating the house.  I could finish the knitting projects I have started.  I could relax for awhile and catch my breath.  I could raise goats and chickens!  But right now, I just don’t know which of those or the hundred other things I should do.  I heard once that a man with unlimited choices is an unhappy man, and boy is that true.  I have so much to choose from that I can’t choose any.

And then there is the money….

I made a good living before, but now our household income has been cut in half.  Thank goodness the only debt we have is our house, because otherwise we would be in trouble.  So, the money factor eliminates a lot of the things I would like to do (like backpacking the Andes, I don’t think that would be good for the kids either).  It doesn’t, however, make up my mind for me.  I still have to decide what my next move will be.

I have a bachelors degree in textiles, for what that is worth (which is approximately nothing).  I have no desire to work in fashion, though.  What I wanted to do when I was in college was work with historical textiles.  I wanted to acquire, accession, clean, display, and store ancient textile artifacts, and I am qualified and know how to do all those, but there are no jobs that fit that description within driving distance of my home.  So, who knows.  I know I don’t.  I guess I’ll keep thinking on it, and hopefully something will jump out at me.